If you offer any type of drone services, it would be difficult to remain competitive if you don’t have insurance. Even traditional insurers have come up with drone insurance policies – an idea that many of them balked at a few years back. However, a growing number of commercial drone pilots are now covered with some sort of insurance, which has made it the new norm in the industry. No, there is no provision in the Part 107 rules that require licensed drone pilots to have any form of insurance to operate. Are Part 107 pilots required to get drone insurance?

It also sends a message to potential clients that you operate with less risk and that you can complete their jobs even if something untoward happens. Thus, if you’re a commercial drone pilot, getting insurance isn’t just a matter of protecting your drone – it’s about protecting your business. Depending on the extent of the damage, you could end up having to pay more than the cost of your drone. Any drone-related accidents that take place in the middle of a job could make you liable for financial damages. Jobs from clients may take you to scenarios and locations that are unfamiliar, and these may have risks that you cannot anticipate. However, there’s another aspect of commercial drone flight that recreational drone pilots may not experience. Protecting your drone or any additional equipment, you use for your service simply makes sense If you’re running a drone photography or filmmaking business, or if you offer aerial survey services, then your means of earning money is lost without your drone. Things are different if you’re using your drone for profit. Compared to the cost of getting a new drone, the cost to insure your drone may still be much cheaper.

However, anything worth close to $1500 may be worth insuring. Of course, getting insurance might not be practical if you’re flying a cheap drone that costs less than $500. If you’re just flying a drone for fun, then drone insurance gives you the assurance that your drone can be repaired or replaced should it get damaged. This could include damage to your equipment, that of others, or injury to a person. Much like the insurance that you get for your house or car, drone insurance provides a financial safety net should something untoward happen. Is there a particular type of insurance that’s recommended for drone pilots? Is it a good idea to get one, or is it required by any law? Why get drone insurance? We are, of course, talking about insurance. To make sure that your hard-earned investment does not go to waste, you are going to need to put a few safety measures in place. However, just like any business, a drone-based business holds no guarantee of success. They get to do something they love and earn some good bucks at the same time. Starting a drone business sounds like a dream come true for most people.