GENESIS, "SECONDS 01.1-.' The last al- bum from the post -Peters Gabriel line- up finds the group at its peak of musi- cal creativity. The single, "Serpentine Fire - is a standout as is the oallad, "I'll Write A Song For You." Also watch for c good reaction to -Jupiter," "Magic Mind"' and 'Be Ever Wonderful." Co- IJmbia JC 34905 (7.981. EARTH(, WIND & FIRE, "ALL 'N ALL." The group's graphically deluxe iew album hos already shipped platinum which makes it look like one of -heir biggest to date. ' Get Down, Make _ove" has an almcst disco flavor while "We Will Rock Ycu" is a chant that segues into the single, "We Are The Champions.- Already a whiner! Etektrc 6E-112 (7.98). ALBUMS QUEEN, "NEWS OF THE WORLD." After two aloums that were criticized for be- ing similar, th s Ip is a departure of sorts for the group as they explore new sounds and song structures. This one boasts expressive lyrics and a hook. Bonoff's songs, best known through rendi- tions by Linda Ronstadt and others, show much potential in the originals as well, as this single and her grow- ing FM following show. by Kenny Edwards) (writer: Bonoff) (Seagrape, BMI) (3:11). This country -tinged bal- lad could succeed with a variety of radio formats it follows a country tradition. Phillips' de- but as a solo performer comes just as her acting career is taking off, and the two should complement each other. by Jack Nitzsche) (writer: Martin) (Bug/ Rockslam, BMI) (3:16). LAN C MICHELLE PHILLIPS, "ACHING KIND" (prod. This year's Christmas singles arrived en masse last week (see page 90), and the most promising of them is this soft, nostalgic ballad, also suitable for play well after the holiday sea- son. by Rubina Flake, Joe Ferla & Eugene McDaniels) (writer: McDan- iels) (Sky Forest, BMI) (3:35). MCA RECORDS ROBERTA FLACK, "25TH OF LAST DECEMBER" (prod. It seems appropriate that this Lynyrd Skynyrd single deals with the life on the road that filled so much of the group's career-it rocks with authority, powered by a driving brass section and Van Zant's ironic vocal work. not listed) (writers: Rossing- ton-Van Zant) (Duchess/Get Loose, BMI) (3:31). SLEEPERS LYNYRD SKYNYRD, "WHAT'S YOUR NAME" (prod. The pop radio paths he opened with "I Wouldn't Want To Be Like You" should continue to serve him quite well. Parsons brings a church feel to this uplifting ballad, one that has the makings of a standard. by Alan Parsons) (writers: Woolfson-Parsons) (Woolf - songs, BMI) (3:37). THE ALAN PARSONS PROJECT, "DON'T LET IT 0 SHOW" (prod. Remixed from the Ip track, this "Beauty On A Back Street" selec- tion rocks with an urgency that may surprise those familiar only with the duo's r&b-oriented work. by Christopher Bond) (writers: Hall -Oates -Allen) (Hot-Cha/Unichappell, BMI) (3:28). abc DARYL HALL & JOHN OATES, "DON'T CHANGE" (prod. It's a pop -rock love song, crafted with their usual per- fectionism and flair. With Aja" being touted as their most accessible (and saleable) Ip to date, Becker and Fagen's single could bring them back to pop radio after a three- year absence. by Gary Katz) (writers: Becker-Fagen) (ABC/ Dun- hill, BMI) (3:58).

The single rocks lightly, and is arranged to focus attention on the provocative lyrics. Diamond's rV special has brought instant ra- dio attention to this story of a young man's initiation by an older woman.

by Bob Gaudio) (writer: Diamond) (Stone - bridge, ASCAP) (3:18). DEDICATED TO THE NEE Who In The World: Rod Stewart HITS OF THE WEEK NOVEM$1.75 SINGLES NEIL DIAMOND, "DESIREE" (prod.