Added five images to various sex scenes (with Jolene, the Beauty, Allie, and Ashlyn).Two new slavery-related events, submitted by Jonas132.New event when conquering territory: Bridge troll, submitted by Jonas132.Several new events when conquering Futamazon territory, submitted by triforce-omega.Several new special events when Antiope is your follower, submitted by triforce-omega.Several new special events when Lorrin is your prison guard and certain other conditions are met, submitted by triforce-omega.An extension to the Abstinencia storyline has been added which takes place after you conquered them.Existing buildings that are shown in the sidebar of a territory now have a tooltip displaying their income and a button to remove the building.A loading screen is now shown while the contents of the game are loaded into the browser.Residential outpost - increases Population growth.Production outpost - increases global Wood, Stone and Food income.Trading outpost - increases Gold income.
Military outpost - increases Supply limit. Monastery outpost - increases Faith income. You can extend your outposts to become more specialized and help you in a certain aspect. Territories that you can build on now show a special icon on the map. You can build in a small area around your outposts. Additionally, when you conquer enemy capitals, they are converted to Outposts. To make the long term progression curve a bit more predictable and rewarding you can no longer build on any tiles in your kingdom, instead you can only build in a radius of 4 tiles in each direction around your capital. A new early game building got added: Trader Some buildings got changed to increase population growth instead of giving gold income. Your units no longer consume food but will cost weekly gold maintenance instead. New laws were introduced regarding population growth and slavery. You can influence these numbers through laws A percentage of your population is male, female or futas, and some are slaves. At the same time, it will consume more and more food as it grows. Your population will pay taxes and provide you with a steady gold income depending on their numbers. You start with a population of 500 citizens, and it will grow slowly over time. The population of your kingdom is now a resource. In all judicial actions, arbitrations, or disputes resolution methods, the parties waive any punitive damages. The courts of the EU have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes relating to or arising from the execution or performance of this agreement. The laws of the EU govern these Terms and Conditions, without giving effect to conflict of laws provisions. NEITHER LEWDSPOT, ANY THIRD PARTY CONTENT PROVIDER NOR THEIR RESPECTIVE AGENTS SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SITE, EVEN IF SUCH PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. #Xxxivilization naked free
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